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Evaluasi Pengembangan Ekowisata Mangrove di Desa Sebong Lagoi Kabupaten Bintan Provinsi Kepulauan Riau




This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the mangroveecotourism program that was launched and operated by the stake holders inthe Sebong Lagoi Village, Bintan regency. The method used in this studywas survey method. Program evaluation refers to the criteria or benchmark.Based on Arikunto (2008), rated 5 (very good) if there are all of indicators,rated 4 (good) if there are 3 indicators, rated 3 (normal) if there are 2indicators, rated 2 (bad) if there is only 1 indicators, rated 1 (very bad) ifthere is no indicator fulfilled. The result showed that Sebong River Tours,Fireflies Tour and Traditional Fishing Tour activity classified in goodcategory. Snorkeling activity classified in very well category. Fishing Tourand Kampoeng Tour classified in normal category. Mangrove replantingactivity classified in bad category. The main attraction of the tourists ismangrove ecotourism activity.
机译:这项研究旨在评估由民丹摄政区Sebong Lagoi村的利益相关者发起和运营的红树林旅游项目的实施情况。在这项研究中使用的方法是调查方法。计划评估是指标准或基准。基于Arikunto(2008),如果所有指标均被评为5(非常好),如果有3个指标则被评为4(好),如果有2个指标则被评为3(正常),如果只有1个指标,则为2分(差),如果没有指标满足,则为1分(非常差)。结果表明,塞邦河游,萤火虫游和传统钓鱼游活动被归类为良好类别。浮潜活动被归类为很好的类别。钓鱼游和甘榜游归为普通类别。红树林再植活动归为不良类别。游客的主要吸引力是红树林生态旅游活动。



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